Monday, September 21, 2009

My top10 Feel-Good-Movies list

These movies are those which gave me a lump in throat while watching but made me feel good at the end of it and made me think after that.These are my antidotes for a bad day :D.

  1. A Beautiful Mind -This one is my favourite,actually made me a die-hard fan of Russel Crowe after watching this.
  2. The Pursuit of Happyness- "This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness." Had damp eyes for most part of the movie.
  3. Forrest Gump-What to say about this one?:) Just enjoy the 'run' with Forrest.
  4. Dead Poets' Socitey -Nothing is dead about this movie except its title.I was jumping with joy after watching this one.
  5. The Shawshank Redemption-imbd#1 and deservingly so.
  6. October Sky-Winning a science fair can be everything!
  7. Goal! The Dream Begins-Almost all sports movies are feel-goods (except for a few like Million dollar baby) But this is right at the top of the list for me.
  8. Shrek...the whole series-Everyone loves a fairy tale and this one is the 'king' of all.
  9. The Family Man- Modern day 'Christmas Carol' and youll feel like christmas at the end of it.
  10. Eternal Sunshine of the spotless Mind-Jim Carrey!!!Most probably you'll have to watch it a second time to fully grasp the plot but you feel light hearted after watching this one,guaranteed.