Saturday, October 17, 2009

Let us give festivals a new meaning

Deepavali-the festival of lights-is here again. As in any festival rooted in mythology Deepavali too represents advent of good and the destruction of evil. To some Hindus it marks the homecoming of Rama after a 14-year exile in the forest and his victory over Ravana, and to some others it marks the victory of Krishna over Narakasura. Whatever is the reason it is an occasion to enjoy ourselves in the warmth of our dear and near and to take a moments break from our routines.

But shouldn't we go a step further from just lighting diyas, cracking patakas, enjoying sweets, attending poojas? I believe it is time for us to rethink the reason and the way we celebrate our festivals -especially the national festivals like Deepavali, Holi and the like. Such festivals -if properly utilized- are a perfect opportunity for us to spare a moment’s thought and renew our pledge towards those better and broader causes which, otherwise in a life otherwise filled with dizzying rush, escape our attention . It should be an occasion to remember we have miles to go to bring equality in various spheres of life to all the citizens of our nation, as guaranteed by our constitution.

Wouldn't it be fitting to take Deepavali -the triumph of light over darkness - as an occasion to remember the Right to Education guaranteed by the constitution? And Holi -the festival of colours and one of the most secular ones - as an occasion to remember that social and economic justice has not trickled down into a lot of sections around us? If the government, the media, the NGOs , influential individuals etc can push forward such positive messages during occasions such as these - when the people across the length and breadth of India celebrates as one -it would go a long way in changing the mindsets of people if .And if such a change in the mindsets of people on issues such as illiteracy, poverty, environment, justice etc can be brought about then, I believe, it would create a positive environment for government to implements its plans related to them and with greater support of its citizens.

So this Deepavali let each diya lit remind us of the millions of our brothers around the world who is yet to be blessed with the light of education and let such thoughts be the primary reason for us to celebrate festivals in the future.